About Men

The challenges for men

Through their life experiences and expectations of manhood, men can become disconnected from themselves, their partners, their family and their community.


Men enter our consulting rooms for many reasons:

  • Communication problems in their relationships
  • Commitment to their partner
  • Intimacy difficulties
  • Coping with stress
  • Managing anxiety
  • Experiencing depression
  • Grief and Loss
  • Anger
  • Conflict
  • Addictions – alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, pornography, internet
  • Parenting
  • Career
  • Loneliness and Isolation


It’s common for men to have specific and sometimes restrictive ways of coping, such as:

  • Bottle up thoughts and feelings- ‘suck it up and get on with life’
  • Portray themselves as tough, independent and unemotional – ‘Big boys don’t cry’
  • Become distant, absent, cut off or shut down
  • Push away the people they love
  • Believe seeking help is not normal manly behaviour
  • Believe feelings are not to be trusted
  • Like to fix things or solve problems
  • Take care of others more than taking care of themselves
  • See fear, hurt and sadness as signs of weakness
  • Become confused as to how to identify their emotional needs
  • Struggle to trust and invite their partners into hearing about their emotional needs
  • Keep their close relationships superficial, safe, sexual and casual
  • Avoid feelings and thoughts by working too hard, drinking too much, using drugs, getting lost
    on the internet, or having affairs


Experience these benefits

With a combined experience spanning 50+ years, we have expert male and female consultants who specialise in working with men and those in relationships with them.

Through regular counselling with an MRC Consultant you will experience some or all of the following:

  • A sense of relief
  • Learn new skills
  • Make new choices
  • Become more relaxed and peaceful
  • Change the way you see your thoughts and feelings
  • Become more open to change
  • Experience an increase in closeness and intimacy
  • Be more self accepting and reduce your sense of worthlessness
  • Have more hope and confidence
  • Resolve past life issues
  • Explore new ways to communicate
  • Learn new ways to behave


We consult with hundreds of men every month who, either individually or together with their partners, are overcoming their personal obstacles in order to live a rich and meaningful life.

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