Questions That Might Be On Your Mind


How do I make an appointment?

Simply call 0449 991 561. You are welcome to discuss any questions you may have.

We will organise a convenient time and location. We offer daytime and evening appointments from Monday to Saturday.

If we are busy you may need to leave a message and we will respond as soon as we can, usually the same day.


How long does a session last for?

Sessions usually run for 50mins, ‘the therapeutic hour’. Career development sessions go for 90 minutes.

Occasionally a couple’s session is organised for 80 minutes.


What can I expect in the first session?

In the initial session your MRC consultant will ask you to complete a brief personal details form. They will also ask you a number of questions to gain an understanding of the particular matters that have brought you to MRC.

After gathering background information, your hopes, expectations and objectives for therapy will also be discussed.


How many sessions will I need?

This is really dependent on the severity and duration of the issues you are struggling with.

Some relatively surface difficulties can be resolved in two or three sessions, whilst other patterns or issues that have been there a lifetime can take longer to work through.

The goal of all MRC Consultants is to help you move through therapy in a time-effective manner and at a pace that is both comfortable and rewarding. The average length of the counselling process is a dozen sessions over the space of a few months.


Will talking to a counsellor help me? Is it worth the effort?

Counselling and psychotherapy do work! Whether it is support and understanding through a crisis or bringing about deep fundamental change, ‘talking it out’ with a professional can definitely make a difference.

Our society is becoming increasingly accepting of psychological therapy as more and more people experience the benefits.


Is there something wrong with me that I can’t work it out for myself?

Many people, especially men, feel a sense of weakness or failure when they seek professional help. In actual fact, the human mind is designed to protect us from painful experiences so no amount of ‘self-help’ will resolve certain problems.

Allowing someone to see our vulnerabilities is an act of courage and strength and in itself will help move us towards our potential.


What if my partner doesn’t want to come to couples counselling?

If your partner doesn’t want to attend relationship counselling you may like to start on your own.

By attending you are demonstrating how you value the relationship and will gain perspectives on how you can bring new skills and insights into the relationship. Your partner is welcome to join the process at any stage.


Why see someone from Men and Relationships Counselling?

The MRC Consultants are professional psychologists and psychotherapists. They are all experienced, fully qualified practitioners who know how to help people.

Our specialist understanding of men’s issues, relationships and family dynamics means we can help you more effectively and more efficiently. We are passionate about helping people find strength and joy in themselves, their work, their relationships, their families and their lives.

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